human centered design illustration human-centered-design-illustration Created with Sketch.

Human-centered design for a positive impact

People are at the centre of all solutions. Human-centred design is about creating sustainable business goals to support meaningful solutions.

  1. Positive Impact
  2. Meaningful Design
  3. Sustainable Strategy
product design test validate illustration product-design-test-validate-illustration Created with Sketch.

Understand your audience’s needs

A true test is to put your product in people's hands. With just enough research at every step, we will adjust your goals to give you the confidence to invest further.

  1. User Research
  2. Journey Mapping
  3. Prototyping
  4. User Testing
product design understand focus illustration

Actionable product strategy

Human-centred products balance Desirability, Feasibility and Viability. From user needs to business goals, together, we will create an actionable strategy that fits your ethos.

  1. Lightweight Strategy
  2. Mission Statment
  3. Roadmap
  4. KPIs & Goals
product design create iterate illustration right product-design-create-iterate-illustration-right Created with Sketch.

From how it works to how it looks

Design, test, launch, measure, repeat. I will design meaningful and accessible products that can be experienced by everyone, everywhere.

  1. Ideation & Concepting
  2. UX, UI & Accessibility
  3. Design Sprint
  4. MVP build

Just want to test an idea?

In a few weeks, I will have researched, ideated, prototyped and tested your product with your audience. I’m all about giving you the confidence to invest in creating that sustainable product that truly helps people.

Get in touch